
Community Leadership Awards

The Invest in Others Charitable Foundation and InvestmentNews have recognized 15 advisers for their outstanding commitments to philanthropic giving and their work with charitable organizations around the globe.

Is your Financial Advisor more Sizzle than Steak?

A prospect recently came to our office to compare our firm to a rival that was offering a customized portfolio. As soon as I heard the word “customized,” I was curious. “When you say ‘customized,’ what do you mean?” I asked. “They will buy securitie …

When Financial Advisors Become Philanthropists

Within the next few days, as soon as the weather in Omaha, Neb., clears, an elderly, impoverished, and terminally ill man will experience a hot-air balloon ride for the first — and likely last — time in his life. Footing the bill for this dying wish is financial advisor Ron Cars …

5 Factors to Consider Before Investing in an ETF

There are now over 1,600 exchange-traded products available to investors, and total assets are quickly approaching $2 trillion. Traditionally, the primary way an investor could get access to a diversified portfolio of stocks was through a mutual fund. But today, many of these investment pro …

Your Financial Advisor Disappeared…What Do You Do?

In the last few years, financial advisor Ron Carson has observed prospective clients increasingly asking whether his firm has a succession plan in place. Luckily, he does, and he is happy to describe it to them.

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