Nelly Carson

Chief Comfort Officer

Meet Nelly

Nelly Carson is a Chief Comfort Officer based in Omaha, Nebraska.

About Nelly

As Chief Comfort Officer, Nelly provides comfort and emotional support to the Carson Wealth team with her joyful nature, calm demeanor and eagerness to interact with all internal stakeholders and clients. Prior to joining Carson Wealth, Nelly interned at The Lodge in Tekamah, Nebraska, specializing in pheasant hunting. Her behavioral training has proved to be a positive influence during company meetings in the Wall Street conference room. Nelly currently resides with the Carson family and when she is not in the west hallway of the office, she works primarily from home.

Favorite Quote:


If Nelly could meet anyone, past or present, it would be:


Hidden talent/skills:

Can catch a pheasant at record speed

What motivates Nelly:


Favorite holiday:

Bring your dog to work day

Something on Nelly’s bucket list:

Eat an entire box of Milkbone treats in one setting

Hidden Talent:

Shaking, sitting and laying down on command

Carson Wealth

14600 Branch St.
Omaha, NE 68154
(888) 321-0808