Meet Oliver

Oliver Taylor is a Quality Control Specialist based in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey.

Oliver provides support in operations. He inspects, tests and samples materials (i.e. chairs, couches, mattresses, laps, etc.), for defects and any deviations from specifications. Oliver loves to test gravity and will discard anything that does not meet with company standards. He also has a love of physics and all things science.

Prior to joining Carson Wealth, Oliver was working for room and board at an animal shelter in Tarrytown, New York, where he gained an abundance of experience with various types of “materials.” His experience is, no doubt, what caught the attention of the Taylor family when they decided to hire Oliver to join their family and their firm. Oliver enjoys his job very much and exceeds the expectations of those around him daily.

Carson Wealth

795 Franklin Avenue Bldg. C, Suite 202
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
(201) 891-1130